Focus SIS

Our Student Information System is a robust database of information for a variety of purposes for nearly every employee of the Raymore-Peculiar School District. Teachers use it for a variety of purposes throughout every instructional day. The Instructional Technology Team has curated some resources to help teachers navigate this vital system.

Focus Parking Lot

Please share your additional thoughts, questions and concerns stemming from our Focus SIS.

Coming Soon...

Grade Book: Elementary Teachers

How to navigate the basics of the elementary grade book.

Grade Book: Secondary Teachers

How to navigate the basics of the secondary grade book.

Portal, Attendance & Seating Chart

This tutorial explores how teachers navigate the Focus portal. It also breaks down taking attendance. It wraps up with exploring the process of creating a seating chart.

Referral Process for Teachers

This how-to video demonstrates the process a teacher should take to submit a discipline referral for a student behavior.