Congratulations to these staff members who have completed 10 years of service in the Ray-Pec School District! They each received a pin commemorating the anniversary.
- Renee Anthuis, Secretary, Raymore Elementary
- Carissa Bartel, English Teacher, Ray-Pec High School
- Bobbi Bond, Occupational Therapist
- Kiley Brown, Instructional Coach
- Carolyn Deane, Principal, Stonegate Elementary
- Marlena Dearing, Site Coordinator, Panther Pride Child Care, Raymore Elementary
- Erica Dodson, Teacher, Creekmoor
- Shelley Ferguson, Kitchen Manager, East Middle School
- Jared Foster, P.E./Health Teacher, East Middle School
- Pamela Gonzales, Teacher, Bridle Ridge
- Jairus Harrell, Maintenance, Buildings and Grounds
- Crystal Hawley, Teacher, Creekmoor
- Pamela Horner, Paraprofessional, Eagle Glen Elementary
- Derek Howard, Social Studies Teacher, Ray-Pec High School
- Mary Irvin, Part-Time Cook
- Gennifer Kephart, Special Education Teacher, East Middle School
- Kelsi Kershner, Teacher, Raymore Elementary
- Leigh Kirkpatrick, Focus Facilitator, Stonegate Elementary
- Tracy Lerosen, Teacher, Stonegate Elementary
- Kirschen Minsky, Speech Language Pathology Assistant, Eagle Glen Elementary
- Sara Moner, Early Childhood Special Education Teacher, Shull Early Learning Center
- Laura Moots, Elementary Teacher, Virtual Instruction Program of Ray-Pec (VIPR)
- Rebecca Petersen, Counselor, Bridle Ridge
- Edith Pitts, Custodian, Ray-Pec High School
- Darlene Rexroad, Nurse, Peculiar Elementary
- Gayle Vance, Occupational Therapist
- Kristy Warren, Focus Facilitator, Raymore Elementary
- Whitley Wood, Site Coordinator, Panther Pride Child Care, Timber Creek Elementary
- Sergio Zendejas, Math Teacher, Ray-Pec High School